Thursday, July 12, 2012

Job Simulators: The New Interview Technique That Makes Experience Necessary

A couple years ago, companies like Google started using offsetting brainteasers in interviews to test applicants’ quick logic. The days of prepping for an interview by memorizing your answers to the expected questions and polishing your resume with buzzwords like “team player” and “motivated” were over. You now had to show your problem solving skills in real time. Ack!

Well, the brainteasers have stepped aside, thank goodness. But, employers have found a more effective way to interview applicants, by using job simulators. Applicants are put into real-time simulations for their potential job duties, the new “show us what you’re really made of” interview technique.

Certainly, there are job simulators that we’re already familiar with. Pilots spend time in flight simulators before going up in a plane and some luxury car companies test new safety features via driving simulations. But more tailored simulators are appearing on the interview scene. For example, Scenetap’s interviews take place in a bar, where they let interviewees loose to see how they interact with staff, other employees, and complete strangers. An important part of the job these applicants want is to build relationships and sell product, so Scenetap needs to see how they perform in real world situations. Some employment agencies use virtual simulators for roles such as customer service, where applicants interact with customers in a virtual environment and the employer can then evaluate their performance.

Why Simulation?

These days, most people can make an impressive resume and rattle off satisfactory answers to interview questions. Employers are keen to this and are tired of hiring people who look great on paper and perform well in interviews but can’t actually do the job. Real-time simulation forces applicants to prove their ability right there on the spot, saving the employer from hiring the wrong person.

If you are a current jobseeker, don’t fear. Job simulation is good for both the employer and the applicant.  Three benefits to applicants who must survive these simulations are:
  • They allow you a chance to “try on” the job to see if it is a good fit and know what will be expected before you commit.
  • If you are prepared for the job and do possess the skills listed on your resume, your performance will reflect that real world knowledge.
  • They help weed out those applicants with professionally written resumes but no job experience, so you are likely to have less competition.
How to Prepare

The best way to prepare for simulations is to have been in the situation before and know how to respond—that is, to have previous experience in the role. Today, applicable experience speaks much louder than graduating summa cum laude, though having both is a powerful combination. Applicants with proven experience in the role are in high demand. But what if you don’t have any? A great way to get solid experience under your belt is through temping. Temping provides you an opportunity to learn about a position, apply yourself, and if you’re a good fit, seek a full-time role. 

JWilliamsStaffing is your resource for temporary employment opportunities. We have one of the highest temp-to-hire conversions for personnel staffing in the real estate industry. While some roles require a real estate license, others do not, and we're here to help place you in the right job. We offer excellent training and assistance to help you be successful, learn valuable skills, and build a career. Check out our jobs board to see open positions and apply online. Let our employment services help you start getting experience today!

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